According to sources at an investment firm, Donna Karan’s DKNY brand is up for sale. LVMH bought Donna Karan International in 2001. Sources say the clothing brand is no longer the right fit for LVMH as they are trying to focus more heavily on their super high-end luxury products with a strong international brand. Donna Karan admits on her website “DKNY is the pizza to Collection’s caviar.” It’s thought that while DKNY carries a lot of weight in New York, it doesn’t have the same luxury pull internationally.
But how much is it worth? “They might be able to get a few hundred million for it, but it’s not at the top of the fashion food chain right now,” says an investment professional who was asked to review and evaluate the brand, speaking on the condition of anonymity. Some think a retailer would pick up the label. Or maybe Donna will buy it back herself? A DKNY representative had not returned a call for comment at press time. -Fashionista
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